
photo: L. Stacy Passmore

Friday, February 25, 2011

Austin's Cognitive Map

My readings for this cognitive collage were Lower Niger Freshwater Ecoregions of the World, Terrestrial Ecoregions Guinean Forest-Savanna Mosaic and Afrocentricity. In my opinion, the most important topics discussed were diversity, water and the people. The overall form of my collage is the watershed of the Niger River. I took the description of the landscape as a mosaic of trees and waterways and painted my interpretation as my background. The pieces are cut and stitched back together to represent how all areas of the land are a part of the watershed and without one functioning properly, it potentially disrupts the entire watershed.

The diversity of the land is seen in the different ethnic groups, as well as a multitude of plants,animals and environments. I found that the people seem to be happy and resourceful. People often fear that the world population is reaching carrying capacity, but I put economist Julian Simon on the poster because he believed that the greatest resource we have is human beings. With the increase in people, there are more people to solve the problems we have (pollution, resource depletion, etc). Essential in making Anam successful in its transition is the efficient use of water and other resources. My hope is that keeping these things in mind will help create a foundation for my design.

1 comment:

  1. This concept collage really speaks to the place, and you've built it such a beautiful and complex way. I absolutely love the craftsmanship! It will be very interesting to see how this line of thinking can inform green and blue-belt systems within the watershed you've identified, and within the site of Anam New City itself. Its fantastic that you point out the importance of people, I know that sounds less than original, but in the existing context of youth-flight from the region to a hope of earning an income in the cities beyond Anambra, It is vital to think about ways that there can be strength in numbers, and subsequently, where on the site there might be opportunities to build capacity for the population to affect a new brand of positive change...
